

  1. Project: AI-Driven Industrial Equipment Product Life Cycle Boosting Agility, Sustainability and Resilience (AIDEAS), European Commission, Horizon Europe Framework Programme
    Duration: 2022-2025 (36 months)
    Principal Investigator: Stefanos Vrochidis (CERTH)
    Total amount granted: 5.999.694€
  2. Project: User eXperience-Driven Cloud Services Adaptation (UX-Adapt)
    Granted by the Generalitat Valenciana, Conselleria de Educación, Grant for Consolidable Research Groups, reference AICO 2020/113
    Duration: 01/01/2020 until 31/12/2021
    Principal Investigator: Emilio Insfran
    Number of researchers: 4 researchers from Univ. Politècnica de València and 1 researcher from Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
    Total amount granted: 40.000€
  3. Project: User-Centered Dynamic Adaptation of Cloud Services (Adapt@Cloud)
    Granted by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CICYT project), R&D Program Oriented to the Societal Challenges, ref. TIN2017-84550-R
    Duration: 2018-2021
    Principal Investigator: Silvia Abrahão & Emilio Insfran
    Number of researchers: 7 researchers from Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), 2 researchers from Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal), 1 researcher from Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium) and 1 researcher from the Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute (SEI).
  4. Network of Excellence on Software Quality and Sustainability (CALESI)
    Granted by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, ref. TIN2017-90689-REDT
    Duration: 2018-2021
    Principal Investigator: Silvia Abrahão
    Number of researchers: a group of researchers from 10 Spanish universities: ISSI research group (U. Politècnica de València), Alarcos research group (U. Castilla-La Mancha), GESSI research group (U. Politècnica de Catalunya), Software product & process improvement group (U. Politécnica de Madrid), GIS group (U. Murcia), GISUM group (U. Málaga), Lucentia group (U. Alicante), IWT2 group (U. Sevilla), SPI&FM group (U. Cádiz) and SSE@MU group (U. Mondragón).
  5. Project: Model-Driven Incremental Development of Cloud Services Oriented to the Customers’ Value (Value@Cloud)
    Entity: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CICYT project), with ref. TIN2013-46300-R.
    Duration: 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2017
    Main researcher: Dr. Silvia Abrahão
    Number of researchers: 10 Univ. Politécnica de Valencia y DOE) (7 investigadores del DSIC y DOE) y otros 3 investigadores de la Universidad Nova de Lisboa, Participación de 12 empresas EPO
    Total amount granted: 70.902€
  6. Project: Model-Driven Incremental Development of Cloud Services
    Microsoft Azure Research Award, Granted by Microsoft
    Principal Investigator: Emilio Insfran
    Duration: 23/07/2013 to 23/07/2014 and 23/07/2014 to 23/07/2015
    Number of researchers: 8 researchers from the UPV
  7. Project: Multimodeling Approach For Quality-Aware Software Product Lines (MULTIPLE)
    Entity: Ministry of Science and Innovation (CICYT project), with ref. TIN2009-13838.
    Duration: 2010 to 2013
    Main researcher: Dr. Silvia Abrahão
    Total amount granted: 125.200€
  8. Spanish Network in Service-Oriented Architectures
    Granted by the Spanish Min. of Economy and Competitiveness (TIN2011-15497-E)
    Duration: 1/09/2012-31/08/2013 (extended until 24/06/2014)
    Principal Investigator: Valeria de Castro (Rey Juan Carlos University).
    Number of researchers: 84 partners from 17 Spanish research groups
  9. Project: Towards the Integration of Transectorial IT Design and Evaluation (TwinTide)
    Entity: European Union COST Action IC0904
    Duration: Nov. 2009 to Nov. 2013
    Main researcher: Dr. Effie Lai-Chong Law (ETH, Zurich, action coordinator)
    Number of researchers: partners from 21 European countries
    Total amount granted: 500.000€
  10. Project: Usabilidad en la Ingeniería de Líneas de Producto Orientadas a Servicios
    Entity: Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (PHB2011-0015). Programa Hispano-Brasileño de Cooperación Interuniversitaria.
    Duration: 01-01-2012 to 31-12-2013
    Main researcher: Silvia Abrahão (UPV coordinator) & Eduardo Santana de Almeida (UFBA coordinator)
    Number of researchers: 15 researchers from the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia (UPV) and Federal University of Bahia (UFBA)
    Total amount granted: 16.900 € (Spain)
  11. Project: From Requirements to UML Models: A Model-Driven Approach
    Entity: Generalitat Valenciana, Conselleria de Educación.
    Duration: 01/01/2008 until 01/01/2009
    Main researcher: Dr. Emilio Insfran
    Total amount granted: 15.800 €
  12. Project: Integration of Quality in Model-Driven Software Development (CALIMO)
    Entity: Generalitat Valenciana, Conselleria de Educación – GV/2009/103
    Duration: 01/01/2009 until 31/12/2011
    Main researcher: Dr. Silvia Abrahão
    Number of researchers: 5 researchers from Universitat Politècnica de València.
    Total amount granted: 10.200 €
  13. Project: A Formal and Technological Framework for Model Management (META)
    Entity: Ministry of Science and Education (CICYT project), with ref. TIN2006-15175-C05-01.
    Duration: 01/10/2006 until 30/09/2009
    Main researcher: Dr. Isidro Ramos Salavert
    Number of researchers: 15 researchers from Universitat Politècnica de València, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Universidad de Murcia, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, and European Software Institute
    Total amount granted: 169.400 €
  14. Project: Quality-Driven Model Transformations
    Entity: Universitat Politècnica de València, with reference UPV- 20080008.
    Duration: 04/12/2007 until 04/12/2009
    Main researcher: Dr. Silvia Abrahão
    Number of researchers: 5 researchers from Univ. Politécnica de Valencia.
    Total amount granted: 9.500 €
  15. Spanish Network: Red Científico Técnica En Ciencia De Los Servicios
    Nº Total de investigadores: U. Rey Juan Carlos, U. de Castilla-La Mancha, U. de Extremadura, U. de Cádiz, U. de Málaga, U. de Santiago de Compostela, U. De Sevilla, U. de Zaragoza, U. del País Vasco, U. Politécnica de Valencia, U. Politécnica de Cataluña, U. de Almería, Kybele Consulting, S.L., Intelligent Integration Factory, S.L., 04Innova24h, S.L., Ingenieros Alborada IDI.
    Duración: fecha inicio: 26/10/2011 /fecha finalización: 25/06/2014
    Importe subvención: 18.000 EUROS
    Ministerio De Economía Y Competitividad (TIN2011-15947-E)
  16. Spanish Network on Software Process and Product Quality (CALIPSO)
    Entity: Ministry of Science and Education, with ref. TIN2005-24055E
    Duration: 2005 to 2007
    Main researcher: Dr. Coral Calero (University of Castilla-La-Mancha)
    Total amount granted: 48.000 €
    Number of researchers: 98 researchers from19 spanish universities, 5 latin-american companies, and 5 companies.
  17. Spanish Network on Model-Driven Software Development (DSDM)
    Entity: Ministry of Science and Education, with ref. TIN2005-25866E and TIN2008-00889-E/TIN
    Duration: 2006 to 2008 and 2008 to 2011
    Main researcher: Dr. Antonio Vallecillo Moreno (University of Malaga)
    Total amount granted: 64.000 €
    Number of researchers: 100 researchers from15 Spanish universities and 4 companies.
  18. Spanish Network in Web Services: Engineering, Technologies and Architectures
    Entity: Ministry of Science and Innovation (TIN2007-29678E)
    Duration: 2008 to 2011
    Main researcher: Esperanza Marcos (Rey Juan Carlos University).
    Number of researchers: partners from 23 Spanish research groups
  19. Project: Towards the Maturation of Usability Evaluation (MAUSE)
    Entity: European Union COST Action 294 (
    Duration: 2005-2009
    Main researcher: Dr. Effie Lai-Chong Law (ETH, Zurich, action coordinator)
    Number of researchers: partners from 19 European countries
    Total amount granted: 248.000 €
  20. Project: Service-Oriented Integration Architectures. A Model-Driven Multidimensional Approach (IASOMM)
    Entity: Comunidad de Madrid – Univ. Rey Juan Carlos, ref. URJC-CM-2007-CET-1555
    Duration: 01/01/2008 – 31/12/2008
    Main researcher: Dr. Carlos Cuesta (Univ. Rey Juan Carlos)
    Number of researchers: 16
    Total amount granted: 18.000 €
  21. Project: Development of E-services for the New Digital Society (DESTINO)
    Entity: Ministry of Science and Education (CICYT project) with funding of FEDER, with ref. TIN2004-03534.
    Duration: 01/01/2005 until 31/12/2007
    Main researcher: Dr. Vicente Pelechano
    Number of researchers: 17 researchers of Universitat Politècnica de València
    Total amount granted: 218.000 €
  22. Spanish Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (SPARCIM)
    Entity: Ministry of Science and Technology – CICYT project (Spanish Research Funding Agency), with ref. TIC 2002-10628-E
    Duration: 01/01/2031 until 31/01/2004
    Main researchers: M. Alpuente, I. Ramos, E. Pimentel, M. Hermenegildo, J. J. Moreno, J. Larrosa, F. Orejas, and R. S. José, E. Marcos, R. L. de Mántaras.
    Number of researchers: 45 researchers from URJC, UPM, UPC, IIIA/CSIC, UPV, U. Málaga
    Total amount granted: 78.000 €
  23. Project: Advanced Software Technology for the Software Engineering of the Information Society (TAISSI)
    Entity: CICYT (Spanish Research Funding Agency), with ref. TIC2001-3530-C02-01.
    Duration: 27/12/2001 until 27/12/2004
    Main researcher: Dr. Oscar Pastor
    Number of researchers: 14
    Total amount granted: 110.309,75 €
  24. Project: WEST: Web-Oriented Software Technology
    Entity: CYTED, subprog. VII.18)
    Participating universities: PUC-Rio (Brazil); Brasilia University (Brazil); Federal University of Pernambuco (Brazil); UNLP (Argentina); UTFSM, (Chile); Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain); University of Málaga (Spain); University of Sevilla (Spain); EAFIT University (Colombia); Catholic University of Asunción (Paraguay); University of Porto (Portugal).
    Duration: 2000-2003.
    Main researcher: Dr. Oscar Pastor
    Number of researchers: members of the ibero-american research groups.
    Total amount granted: 172.000 US
  25. Project: Automatic Generation of Software Systems in Object-Oriented Environments
    Entity: CICYT (Spanish Research Funding Agency), FEDER program, con ref. TIC 1FD97-1102
    Duration: 1999 – 2001
    Main researcher: Dr. Oscar Pastor
    Number of researchers: 13
    Total amount granted: 28.705.000 ptas. (126.212,54 €)
  26. Project: MENHIR: Methods, Environments and Tools for Requirements Engineering
    Entity: CICYT (Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología, Spain) Ref. TIC 97-0593-C05-01.
    Duration: 1998-2000
    Main researcher: Dr. Isidro Ramos
    Total amount granted: 13.605.000 ptas (82.000 €)
  27. Project: ZOOM: Advanced Environments for Software Generation
    Entity: CYTED – IBEROEKA Project nº. 164
    Duration: 1998-2000
    Main researcher: Dr. Oscar Pastor
  28. Project: Advanced Modeling and Specification of Distributed Inf. Systems
    Entity: EU ESPRIT (Directorate General III –Industry- of the Commission of the European Communities) ref. ESPRIT IV WG 22704 ASPIRE
    Duration: 30/03/1997 – 30/03/2000
    Main researcher: Hans-Dieter Ehrich (Technische Universitat Braunschweig, Germany)
    Total amount granted: 150.000 Euros
  29. Project: IDEAS: Engineering Software Environments
    Entity: CYTED (Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo).
    Duration: 1997-1999
    Main researcher: Dr. Carlos Heuser
    Total amount granted: 50.000 U$ (anual budget)


  1. Project: Deployment and Assessment of a Requirements Engineering Method
    Type of contract: I+D+I (Research, Development, and Innovation)
    Organizations: CARE Technologies S.A. & Universitat Politècnica de València
    Duration: 01/01/2004 until 31/05/2006
    Main researcher: Dr. Emilio Insfrán
    Number of researchers: 3 Total amount granted: 51.500,00 €
  2. Project: Requirements Models for Information Systems
    Type of contract: I+D+I (Research, Development, and Innovation)
    Organizations: CARE- Technologies & Universitat Politècnica de València
    Duration: 01/10/2001 until 01/01/2004
    Main researcher: Dr. Emilio Insfrán
    Number of researchers: 5 Total amount granted: 47.282,7 €
  3. Project: Requirements Modeling for Conceptual Models Generation
    Type of contract: I+D+I (Research, Development, and Innovation)
    Organizations: CARE Technologies S.A. & Universitat Politècnica de València
    Duration: 21/03/2000 until 21/09/2001
    Main researcher: Dr. Emilio Insfrán
    Number of researchers: 6 Total amount granted: 35.462,1 €
  4. Project: Usability Evaluation in Model-Driven Architecture Environments
    Type of contract: I+D+I (Research, Development, and Innovation) UPV 20060438
    Organizations: CARE Technologies S.A. & Universitat Politècnica de València
    Duration: 01/03/2006 until 01/03/2007
    Main researcher: Dr. Silvia Abrahão
    Number of researchers: 3 Total amount granted: 17.400,00 €
  5. Project: Quality of Conceptual Models (Un Marco para la Evaluación de la Calidad de Modelos Conceptuales OO-Method)
    Type of contract: I+D+I (Research, Development, and Innovation) UPV 20040140
    Organizations: CARE Technologies S.A. & Universitat Politècnica de València
    Duration: 01/02/2004 until: 01/02/2005
    Main researcher: Dr. Silvia Abrahão
    Number of researchers: 2 Total amount granted: 10.700,00 €
  6. Project: Estimating the Functional Size of Object-Oriented Systems from Conceptual Models
    Type of contract: I+D+I (Research, Development, and Innovation)
    Organizations: CARE Technologies S.A. & Universitat Politècnica de València
    Duration: 01/02/2003 until: 31/01/2004
    Main researcher: Dr. Silvia Abrahão
    Number of researchers: 2 Total amount granted: 10.200,00 €
  7. Project: Advanced OO-Method
    Type of contract: I+D+I (Research, Development, and Innovation)
    Organizations: CONSOFT S.A. & Universitat Politècnica de València
    Duration: 31/12/2002 until: 31/12/2003
    Main researcher: Dr. Oscar Pastor
    Number of researchers: 9 Total amount granted: 32.000,00 €
  8. Project: Automating the Production of Web
    Type of contract: I+D+I (Research, Development, and Innovation)
    Organizations: CONSOFT S.A. (ref. UPV 20020048)
    Duration: 31/12/2001 – 31/12/2002
    Main researcher: Dr. Oscar Pastor
    Number of researchers: 4 Total amount granted: 27.424 euros.
  9. Project: Hyper-Dictionaries for Requirements Elicitation
    Type of contract: I+D+I (Research, Development, and Innovation)
    Organizations: CARE Technologies S.A., U. Politècnica de València y U. Twente (Holanda)
    Duration: 15/03/2003 – 15/10/2003
    Main researcher: Dr. Oscar Pastor
    Number of researchers: 8 Total amount granted: 5.325 euros.
  10. Project: Code Generation using OO-Method
    Type of contract: I+D+I (Research, Development, and Innovation)
    Organization: CONSOFT S.A. (ref. UPV 20000281)
    Duration: 14/06/2000 – 14/12/2001
    Main researcher: Dr. Vicente Pelechano
    Number of researchers: 2 Total amount granted: 18.547 euros (3.086.000 ptas)
  11. Project: Applying the CARE technology to real case projects
    Type of contract: I+D+I (Research, Development, and Innovation)
    Organization: Farmasoft Informática y Servicios S.L. (ref. UPV 19980272)
    Duration: 07/09/1998 – 05/01/2000
    Main researcher: Dr. Oscar Pastor
    Number of researchers: 2 Total amount granted: 46.478,26 euros.